Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Smiths give me vertigo

First post.

I always wanted to do that.

So I'm a bit under the weather. It's some kind of odd G.I. thing where I feel crappy one day, good the next then back to crappy. I blame the kids. Since they've become social and started school I've been bombarded with various malady's. Anyway back to the subject of this post. As I said, I'm under the weather, but as a good independent contractor I'm working remotely to make a Tuesday deadline. So I'm sitting at my desk Setting up an IDS log monitor front-end thingy listening to iTunes, when The Smiths How Soon Is Now starts playing and that weird reverb side to side intro is coming out of the speakers and I started feeling a bit nauseous and dizzy. A few more seconds of it and I'd have had to hold onto the desk or rush to the bathroom.

Anyway that's it, no moral to the story, The Smiths make my head spin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Smiths make me hurl too. Although they do give me the opportunity to use the phrase "ineffectual sissypants" which is kind of nice.