Saturday, August 23, 2008

Union Fair

We spent a great day at the Union Fair. Lots of farm animals, really expensive junk food, rides and carni games. The kids had a blast. I'm including some photos but I assume Patty will do an Ophoto album so look for the email notice.

Yup, thems pigs.

This cow was in love with me. wherever I moved it would turn to look at me. When I walked away it let out a sad sounding Moo. We had a moment.

This sheep was in the Muslim section of the 4H hall. It's sporting the latest in sheep Burkas worn by all sheep of the Muslim faith. Ok I kid, there was no Muslim section in the 4H hall. It was a nice day so I'm guessing the covers are not to keep them warm, maybe it was to keep them clean before the were judging.

These two young cows were yoked together. They were absolutely pristine. So clean and pretty you wouldn't believe it. I wanted to go up and hug them.

I promised some people pictures of cute chicks and ducklings. Sadly all the avian critters were adults. The little guy is pretty cute though.

This guy, not so much.

Nor his cell mate.

This one's for you Alison. It was the best I could do.

Here's the family.

Matthew making fast work of his cone.

Believe it or not, there was a big cat show this year. Pretty cool to watch. A Lion, a couple of Lionesses, a big Siberian Tiger and a pair of Bengal Tigers including the white Tiger in this photo. The handler is dragging this Lion around by the foot. This animal was the comic relief in the show. It was a pretty corn show, but the kids liked it.

I envy these handlers, I'd love to play with one of these big cats. I feel the same way about grizzly bears. I just want to wrap my arms around one and wrestle with it.

And what country Fair would be complete without a demolition derby. It's been a long while since I've been to one. All the cars are small imports now. The last one I went to people were still using gigantic station wagons and Cadillacs from the '70.



alison said...

I laughed out loud at that. (I think I LOL'd even.) Thanks for the ducks!

Brett Jones said...

Happy to give you a chuckle.

Anonymous said...

Wow awesome pics! YOu should be a farm animal photographer.