Monday, June 30, 2008

The events of the evening of Aug 18, 2002

The Bat Cave has a funky 70's sound track...

So I'm sitting in front of the T.V. in my normal late night catatonic state with Blacksploitation classic, Foxy Brown (1974, starring Pam Grier) playing on the Independent Film Channel. I hear some strange sound from the fireplace so I go get a flashlight to check it out. I find nothing in the fireplace so I plant my ass back on the couch. A moment later, out of the corner of my eye I see what at first I think is a big moth,,,,, a very very very big moth...... Oh shit!!! It's a BAT!! I scream like a school girl and run to the other room. My first thought is "I need my shot gun", my second thought is "Well that was a stupid idea, a broom would work better".

I scream to my wife to close Madi's bedroom door and hers. I quickly turn on all the lights in the house so I can see the damn thing. With all the lights on the bat is starting to freak out, making loops through the living room and dining room. My dog was sprawled out on the floor watching the bat go round and round like this was something that happened every night. My wife starts coming down the stairs until the bat zooms past her at eye level. Changing her mind she heads back upstairs leaving me to deal with the bat, what a wimp.

By this time I had my weapon at hand, the bat was starting to target me, making dive bomb passes as I advanced towards the living room. it swooped into the hallway and I took a swing at it and missed. It made another pass and I took another swing missing again. On the third pass I could see that the bat was coming in for the kill, it was him or me. He banked left then right, looking for a weak spot in my defenses, then he dove for my neck. Standing my ground, knowing I had to take him out to save my skin, it was do or die. With ninja like skill and swiftness I brought the broom down and slayed the evil dragon with one fell swoop...... Ok that was bullshit, I was swinging the broom around like a hysterical 12 year old girl, and with some dumb luck (that magical force that's done so much for me over the years) I managed to kill that flying rat.

So I'm back watching Foxy Brown, and Superfly is on next. Really bad 70's movies and a little mortal combat make for a good night.


Anonymous said...


if you'd opened the doors and windows, the bat would've exited.


they avoid large impediments by bouncing rays off them.

one of your candy-assed liberal sisters-in-law

Brett Jones said...

So like red laser beam rays, shooting out of their eyes?